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Table 1 A summary of risk factors associated with post-JRS SSI

From: Risk factors associated with surgical site infections following joint replacement surgery: a narrative review

Non-Modifiable Risk Factor

Modifiable Risk Factor

Prevention of SSI

Patient’s factors

 1. Gender and age

 1. BMI and obesity

 1. Weight control

 2. Primary diagnosis

 2. Nutritional status

 2. Corresponding dietary support

 3. ASA class

 3. Comorbidities (diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, asymptomatic bacteriuria, peripheral vascular disease, chronic skin disease)

 3. Perioperative blood glucose control, optimization of patients’ comorbidities


 4. Living habits (smoking, alcohol abuse)

 4. Reduced tobacco and alcohol dependence

Surgery-related factors


 1. Preoperative skin preparation

 1. Iodine-alcohol or chlorhexiodine for preoperative skin prepration


 2. Prolonged duration of surgery and one-stage bilateral JRS

 2. Control of the sterility during the operation, shortening of operation time and minimization of the trauma


 3. Glove changes

 3. Glove changes


 4. Antibiotic prophylaxis

 4. Reasonable antibiotic prophylaxis


 5. Antibacterial preparations for topical use

 5. Application of ciNPWT


 6. Wound management

 6. The choice of chemical thromboprophylaxis


 7. Postoperative hematoma


Doctors, hospitals and other factors

 1. Socioeconomic factors

 1. Preoperative staphylococcus aureus screening and decolonization

 1. Active nasal Staphylococcus aureus screening and decolonization

 2. Seasonal factors

 2. Doctor’s operation volume and experience

 2. Strict aseptic dressing change after operation, regular follow-up, and timely management of postoperative complications

  1. SSI, Surgical Site Infection
  2. ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists
  3. BMI, Body Mass Index
  4. JRS, Joint Replacement Surgery
  5. ciNPWT, Close Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy