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Table 10 Patellar dimensions of different ethnicities (in millimeters)

From: Morphometric analysis of the Filipino knee and its implication in total knee arthroplasty prosthesis design


Patellar height

Patellar width

Patellar thickness

Kim et al.  (Koreans) [19]

Female: 33.1

Male: 36.2

Combined: 34.65

Female: 41

Male: 45.6



Male: 23.1

Combined: 22.2

Iranpour et al. (Caucasians) [20]

Combined: 34.4 ± 3.8

Combined:44.8 ± 4.8

Combined: 22.4 ± 2.3

Mohamed et al. (Indians) [18]

Female: 33.1

Male: 36.2

Combined: 33.1

Female: 36.1

Male: 42.2

Combined: 39.1

Female: 16.2

Male: 20.3

Combined: 18.3

Current study (Filipinos)

Female: 36.9

Male: 42.1

Combined: 39.6

Female: 40.0

Male: 45.0

Combined :42.6

Female: 21.9

Male: 24.3

Combined: 23.1