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Table 5 Studies demonstrating a statistically significant difference in kneeling outcomes compared between patellar resurfacing vs. non-resurfacing

From: Patellar resurfacing and kneeling ability after total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review



Statistical analysis comparing kneeling in resurfaced vs. non-resurfaced TKAs

Study conclusions regarding kneeling (Resurfacing vs. non-resurfacing)

Huish Jr et al. [23]


Favors Non-resurfacing

1. Not resurfacing the patella, combined with lateral facetectomy may give patients a better chance to kneel

2. Without evidence clearly demonstrating whether patellar resurfacing or non-resurfacing is superior, the surgeon should give consideration to not resurfacing the patella in patients with minimal patellofemoral arthritis that may have desire/need to kneel following surgery

3. Female patients showed an increased ability to kneel, hence leaving their native patellar surface may aid in kneeling activities after surgery

Wilding et al. [26]


Favors Resurfacing

1. Patella resurfacing significantly improves patients’ chances of being able to kneel post TKA

2. This benefit is independent of whether PCL is retained or sacrificed