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Table 2 Admission characteristics of Hispanic patients and the controls

From: Hospital characteristics and perioperative complications of Hispanic patients following reverse shoulder arthroplasty—a large database study


Hispanics (n = 2,656)

Non-Hispanics (n = 57,260)


Length of Stay (Days)(Median)b

1.4 (IQR: 1, 2)

1.0 (IQR:1, 2)

 < 0.001

Total Charges (USD) (Median)a

89,168.5 (IQR: 61,720.5, 125,569.0)

66,602.1 (IQR: 49,419.3, 93,568.8)

 < 0.001

Tobacco-Related Disorder

285 (10.7%)

9,359 (16.3%)

 < 0.001

Diabetes without Complications

584 (21.9%)

8,073 (14.1%)

 < 0.001

Diabetes with Complications

19 (0.7%)

99 (0.1%)

 < 0.001

Primary Expected Payer


1,879 (70.7%)

43,940 (76.7%)

 < 0.001


175 (6.6%)

1,483 (2.6%)

 < 0.001

 Private Insurance

396 (14.9%)

9,121 (15.9%)

 < 0.001


32 (1.2%)

240 (0.4%)

 < 0.001

 No Charge


17 (0.01%)



178 (6.7%)

2423 (4.2%)

 < 0.001

Patient Discharge


1,696 (63.8%)

37,654 (65.7%)

 < 0.001

 Another Type of Facility

340 (12.8%)

7,826 (13.7%)


 Home Healthcare (HHC)

624 (23.5%)

11,589 (20.3%)

 < 0.001

  1. Bolded values indicate statistical significance. As per the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project data agreement, numbers ranging from 1 to 10 were not reported
  2. aDue to an incidence of 0 in one of the groups, it was not possible to calculate the odds ratio and significance values
  3. bLength of stay and Total charges were found not to follow a normal distribution, thus an Independent-Samples Mann–Whitney U test was performed